Jakarta and I - 100 Thousand Poets for Change

"One would call New York, The Big Apple. But Jakarta is The Big Durian. 
And like the fruit, it is strong, it is pungent and it is not for everyone."

We have finally launched our 100 Thousand Poets for Change video here
About Jakarta and I...

I have mixed feeling with Jakarta. I hate it but I love it at the same time. I was born and raised in Palembang, then I moved to Kuala Lumpur for studying and working my 1st job there. My time in KL was peaceful, although the visa drama used to make me feel so worthless and plus the racism. (I do not want to comment on the racism part this time).

It has been a year after I moved to Jakarta and things have been getting ups and downs. You know
that before I decided to move away from KL, I had a large anxiety.

Kuala Lumpur, despite the fact that I am not a Malaysian national had shaped me into who I am today. I met many friends, stories and inspiration. I felt so independent back then. Even though, everything felt so fucked up, it was not as fucked up as Jakarta.

Here, it feels like I am losing control of my life in terms of mobility. The traffic jam really kills your time and energy. The heat and the mean street. I used to enjoy going out alone when I was in Kuala Lumpur. I really took my time to do what I want. There was a good amount of green space and parks. But in Jakarta you surrender to giant mall and unhealthy urban lifestyle.

That is why I use words like 'diva' in my poem. This city is such a diva.

This city seems to have a way succumbing your energy, not at all namaste. What I missed about my life a year ago that I lived alone in a city with small group of friends and family. That is great because I could mind my own business and did whatever I want. I had a balance between me time and social time. In Jakarta, I cannot be alone. Or when I am alone, it feels like I do not achieve tranquility but only loneliness I feel.

About work opportunities too, there are lots of opportunities. But you gotta pick wise. Learn from me. I just want to work where my job is appreciated. It is easy to feel worthless when you know how much they only pay you for. I mean hey, I am a global graduate. I speak and write excellent English... and how much are you paying that bule again? The competition is getting sick and unfair.

But I think, I have grown past that KL moment. I am starting a new life, with new friends and new energy. I still do not know where this roller coasters is heading but all I know this wagon will stop moving, if I stop. So I do not want to stop.

But seriously, I need to get out of this city and wander around Jalan Kiang Peng in the morning to the big Tous Le Jours at Jalan Bukit Bintang and have Croque Monsieur plus a cup of coffee. I guess I will be fine. 


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