Selamat Jalan, Pak
I was having my breakfast toast when I received a heartbreaking news. Over one of my teachers' facebook status I learnt that my highschool art teacher has passed away. His name was Hapsalan, and we used to call him Pak Hapsalan. He was the first teacher from my full 16-year of study, that I acknowledged first-handed, to be passed away.
He might have not remembered me because he had taught for so many years and I suck at drawing. He was the quietest amongst the teachers which made the students did not pay much attention during his class. His class used to feel like a free-time class. I remembered our art class used to be near the end of the day, so when he came in, we were definitely done for the day. He did not give many assignment either but he was surprisingly super kind when it comes to marking.
It used to feel like as if he was not there everytime he teaches, because he let every student do whatever they want--e.g : playing card game, putting music on loud speakers, watching movies, talking out loud--and he didn't mind--only a friend from other class admitted, just after hearing the newas, that he ONCE scolded two students for playing gendang--it is an Indonesian thing, passionately tapping your hands on the table like playing a musical instrument--and that was ever only ONCE he scolded as to my knowledge!
We used to notice a small bit of his presence. Not only in our class, but our seniors, juniors and fellow friends from other classes treated him the same way. But now it is really hard to absorb, that he is completely gone. He is not here anymore.
We are not proud of our behavior, we really are not....
The last time I saw Pak Hapsalan was on the prom party, that was 3 years ago. He was just sitting right behind me when I noticed he almost fell from his chair, grabbing his chest. Maybe it was my lack of sensitivity to be mute. If only I could ask him if he was alright that time.
He was obviously going off too soon...
So from the bottom of my heart, I would like to say and represent my colleagues, to express that we are at lost of our most patient, generous and talented teacher. We were not proud of our behavior, however, you must know that we all respect you from the bottom of our hearts.
It has been a wonderful time knowing you and thank you for everything. A good person shall receive a good place beside Him there.
I wish I keep a picture of us all together to make this personal but, nevermind. But all we want to say is....
Selamat Jalan, Pak....
terkadang orang baik dan sabar itu sering diremehkan ya :(