Day 12 to 16 - One Poem a Day

Day 12 - The Unforgotten

It takes 2 years to 
Construct a new landmark
Raise a beautiful baby girl
Travel a country
Take 3 jobs and believe they will hone your careers
Lose 10 kilograms and gain another 20
Take a chance on many first dates

How time has shamed me 
I am still thinking about you now and then

Day 13 - Light

I long
for the
Light of
My Own

Day 14a - Haiku

But yours are not 
the only lips
I am kissing

Day 14b - Silently

Earphones on, your thumb underneath your chin
It is my skin that touches the scruffiness of your jawline
It is my music that you listen to
I am the sleeves of your shirt
stretching to fit all your masses, your muscles,

I always animate you in my head
Paying homage to your existence in silent

Day 15 - Wars

We are two goddesses waging wars
Throwing flames at bridges we have built
Pulling thunders in the sky we summon the storm
We construct, we destruct
To us, the world's a stage
and men and women are merely players
So let's leave the backstage's door open
So everybody can see the grimes
and the craters we have created

Day 16 - Salted

"Please don't leave me," he whimpered
So his sturdy arms circled her skinny waist
Clenching the universe 
He had built and destroyed so many times that it lost shapes

She could feel the tears drenched 
on her abdomen
A drop salted the wounds and cuts he helped to create
Unsure, her eyes gazed at the old ridden bedroom
That was once a prison

And the crying man who kneeled before her was the punisher
For all of her doings and non-doings

Now he was begging 
for mercy when she thought 
There was none
when she thought she was the one who would ask for it

And by the time she placed her hands on both of his square shoulders
She knew her heart might grow 
a space 
Big enough for gravity to slip in and 
make its way back

Pulled them closer into love and war
Where nothing was 
ever fair


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