Green was never the color of envy

Green was never the color of envy
It was red

As thick as my blood boils
I have yet to find the cure for the heat

Green was never the color of envy
It was blue
The striking streaks on my hair and everything about me you hate and love at the same time

Envy was never green
was never even a color
You ended up with another

Envy is the sound of my heart pounding
Every minute you spend together with her
It is free-falling into the ocean
Being thrown at bed of rocks and swayed by silent waves...
Envy is my emotion
And it is theatrical
It is a whole-new beautiful large dimension with stages and too many limelights

If envy was a sound
Then it is the sound of me wailing at your door

What once love,
Has it gone too sour?


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